What is gentrification? It is the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displace poorer residents.This is the very thing affecting cities such a Brooklyn, Harlem, Portland, Chicago, Philadelphia. and the list goes on. The primary reason behind this idea of creating better societies for middle class residents is to rid each city of the neighborhoods that have become poorly taken care of and that are high risk areas for crime.If this is considered a "positive" to some, then why are decade old residents being forced out of their homes for this transition to take place? Where are Black Americans supposed to go? Here is where I come to the idea of Reverse Migration that is occuring. Many African Americans are moving south because the cost of living is cheaper, the housing is affordable, and the job market is fairly flourishing. The "south", the very place we escaped from during the burdensome and formidable times of Jim Crow is the place that is looking more and more each day as the place we can only afford and turn to. Are African Americans being forced to go back? What could come of this? I suggest you closely take a look at what America has in store for us. All while our brothers are being murdered by cops and our cities that our ancestors built are being populated by the rich and our deserving people are being given the boot.
What Will Our Future Hold?
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Jasmin Sellers
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